My audiovisual collaboration with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann and Sigi Torinus is being exhibited at the Estudio D’Nasco in Havana, Cuba from Jan. 17-24, 2020.
Today I managed to get some older Max patches requiring 4-channels of audio up and running in our new Noiseborder studio. An old favourite: the…
Sigi Torinus and Andrea Sunder-Plassmann presented a new version of browsing beauty for the TECHNE show in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Sigi incorporated the sound design…
blackhole-facoty have released the complete Bursfelde Varitions recordings. The recording along with full track information is available at
Who owns the information? is a short video based on a performance piece created by Sigi Torinus in collaboration with Iain Baxter&. I created a…
The full album of Bursfelde Variations is complete, with an expected launch in early 2019. The project features mixes and transformations of Martin Slawig, Elke…
I was pleased to spend a few days in Germany in July with old friends and collaborators Elke Utermöhlen and Martin Slawig of blackhole-factory. We…
This week I worked with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann and Sigi Torinus on a new version of their browsing beauty project that incorporates live sound-video interactivity in…
The Noiseborder Festival 2017 took place from March 6-17 at the University of Windsor. In, all we presented 11 events in 12 days, including concerts,…
I’ve been working on a project with Nic de Cosson for a few years now involving sound, projection, and a CNC machine. Nic put together…