Natural Planes of Separation
At the Noiseborder event on March 17 we presented a version of my new performance/installation entitled Natural Planes of Separation. The title is a term that describes the fissures along which materials will separate, but is in this work a metaphor for the multiple tempi of the 3-channel video projection. The video features mixes of clips of multiple hourglasses, the mix of the video as well as the triggering of new clips is coordinating with the processing of sounds coming from the piano. The piano is sounded with multiple ebows that will generate a drone without a performer. The performance possibility is always there, and in this case, I performed the piece by repositioning the ebows as well as articulating harmonies with occasional notes played on the piano keyboard. Like This is an important message for Julie Wade, the work is designed to function as a stand-alone installation that is all the same open to performance interventions.