My audiovisual collaboration with Andrea Sunder-Plassmann and Sigi Torinus is being exhibited at the Estudio D’Nasco in Havana, Cuba from Jan. 17-24, 2020.

We were excited to host Brazilian artists Anna Claudia Agazzi and Alvise Migotto for a few days in the Noiseborder space this week. We produced…

Today I managed to get some older Max patches requiring 4-channels of audio up and running in our new Noiseborder studio. An old favourite: the…

I’ve been working on a new project with filmmaker Chris McNamara for pianist Megumi Masaki: a nine minute piece for piano and 3D video. The…

Sigi Torinus and Andrea Sunder-Plassmann presented a new version of browsing beauty for the TECHNE show in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Sigi incorporated the sound design…

blackhole-facoty have released the complete Bursfelde Varitions recordings. The recording along with full track information is available at https://archive.org/details/bursfelde-variations.

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Federica Bressan for her technoculture podcast. We discussed aspects of installations and performances and where those events…

The Chamber Choir at the University of Windsor presented the premiere of I know the song that Luna sings in the Heritage Room at the…

Who owns the information? is a short video based on a performance piece created by Sigi Torinus in collaboration with Iain Baxter&. I created a…

The full album of Bursfelde Variations is complete, with an expected launch in early 2019. The project features mixes and transformations of Martin Slawig, Elke…